So, we don’t believe that you graduate from Acting. It’s a life-long pursuit. You’re never there, but you’re constantly heading there, at least that is where our goal is set to. But here are a few students who have dug deep and searched within to start their journey into bringing deep meaningful work.
We recognize that and we acknowledge their efforts.
The Acteach, Meisner Belt System, introduced in 2020 during lockdown, much like a system you might find in a Martial Arts School starts with a White belt and moves up towards a Black Belt. Belts are given not for completion of a certain module, but for achievement of certain KPI’s within the class module. They are an indication of a student’s development through the class and are not given out lightly. In recognition of our students efforts, the following students have received the belts below:
July 2021

Sara Masry

Phil Austin

December 2020

Nirish Shakya

Sara Masry

Phil Austin