You’ve taken the first step to a new kind of training.
I’d like to set up a few expectations about the class you’ll be joining.
- Firstly, we work with you as individuals. Each person has their own challenges. So as a first point, please don’t apply the feedback given to another actor and try and incorporate it into your own work.
- When you start this class, very little is expected of you. I want you to relax, don’t over-think what’s going on (like the poster above says) and just go on a journey without any expectations on yourself. Try to just be there for an experience.
- As you get more familiar with what is required we’ll challenge you more. Michael has been doing this for a long time and is very adept at knowing when to start raising the bar for each Actor. That will vary for each actor. You’ll find this a supportive environment where you can take risks, make mistakes, try new things, not feel judged, and grow. Please keep an open mind and be patient.
- Michael is a demanding teacher, in line with the expectations on you by the Entertainment Industry. The purpose of this is to * Challenge you, * To motivate and Inspire you, * To get you to reach beyond your comfort zone. You’re joining a class with different levels of students, from absolute beginner in the Meisner Technique, to those who have been in class for months or years. The level of expectation on those students is in line with their goals, their duration in the class, and whether those students are applying themselves. So please don’t take what is said to those students (See Point 1 above) and feel that you need to do things differently. You have not been in this class nearly enough to know the history of a particular student, their challenges, their length of attendance, etc. Look past those, and only apply the feedback that is given to you, to your work. If you do that, there is less chance that you’ll get confused or start doing things you weren’t asked to do.
- We treat you with respect in this class. You’re a professional Actor (even if you don’t yet have Professional (paid) credits), and you’re expected to be respectful of each other, the Instructor, and more importantly to yourself. Respect yourself by showing up, not just physically, but in your mind. Show up and do the best you can. Let the Best Version of You show up.
The class you would be joining is currently on Tuesday evenings at 7pm via Skype. Please let us know your intended start date so that we can expect you.
Here are your joining instructions:
The class is via Skype and is recorded. At the end of the session you’ll be able to view/download the recording via Skype, so that you can review the notes you received. It is highly advisable to view the recording just before your next class, if you’re able, to remind you of the goals for the next class. (for your use only not to be shared publicly without written authorization from the Instructor. By attending the class you agree to this. We do this to provide you, the student, with a safe environment to work, knowing your work is not going to be indiscriminately shared with the world.)
** BAD GUY NOTICE: We prosecute to the fullest extent of the law any student who shares class videos online. *** End of BAD GUY NOTICE
Please download the latest version of Skype and ensure your name First and Last is displayed in your profile.
This can be achieved in 2 ways:
One is through Skype website, Skype Portal: secure.skype.com:
-Edit profile > Change display name
2nd is through the Skype application:
-Click profile icon > Skype Profile > Click the pencil icon to change the name
add Michael Franklin’s Skype acct which is:
Location: Lalaland
before class with enough time for Michael to get notified by Skype and accept you. Usually one day before is sufficient.
On the Tuesday evening at 7pm you simply Video-Call Michael via Skype and he will join you into the class.
Please check your Skype is working by calling a friend. Make sure beforehand that your audio and video are working and you have a good stable connection.
Please be on time, or a few minutes early.
Any questions, please come back to us.
We look forward to working with you.
Acting Classes for Professionals