Beginner – Intermediate Class 1

Notes to Students:

As a ‘Beginner – Intermediate Class 1’ student, or Yellow Belt in this class, you’ve started your journey into the world of Independent Activity and the Meisner Technique ‘next level’.

We want to salute you on achieving this first Milestone, but also to encourage you to keep going.

You may have noticed that in the ‘Fundamentals Class’ you have been given some history, or a relationship with your Repetition Partner. This is to pave the way towards you transitioning into scene work proper, in the Beginner – Intermediate Class 2, which will entail the following:

  1. Researching your Character in the Scene.
  2. Selecting appropriate Independent Activity / Door exercises that fit the scene you’ve been given.

** Recall that in ‘Beginner – Intermediate 1’, your focus was on your Independent Activity or the door, independently to what you were saying from the scene. So the scene was really your Independent Activity / Door setup, and the Author’s scene was just to provide you with words to say. Now this idea is taken further, so that the Activity/Door combination brings ‘life’ to the scene provided by the author.

Payment structure:

As a ‘Beginner-Intermediate 1’ student you will be entitled to certain advantages in order to encourage you to move towards higher tiers and develop as an Actor.

1) You will qualify for a 10% discount on advertised ‘next level Meisner class’ fees that are 10 weeks or longer in duration. (If they are already discounted, you will receive the greater of the two discounts, but not both.)

2) You will be given Fundamentals work, but with a relationship where possible. Your 4-monthly membership rate will be £125.

3) Your current ‘per class rate’ is reserved for you while your ‘Preferred Student’ status is kept active. So if you’re currently paying £5, and the rate for new students is £7. You keep your £5 rate.

So to sum up. You’re getting a £25 price increase over 4 months, and a 10% discount on Next level Meisner classes to encourage you, and your £5 rate is unchanged.